AdBlock Plus

On this page (not a new tab), click the AdBlock Plus icon (a stop sign with “ABP”) on the top right of your browser
Click the blue switch next to “Block ads on”

uBlock Origin

On a new tab (not this page), click on the uBlock Origin icon (maroon shield) on the top right of your browserClick the “power” button



On this page (not a new tab), click on the Adblock icon (a stop sign with a hand in it) on the top right corner of your browserClick “Don’t run on pages on this domain”Click “Exclude”


On this page (not a new tab), click on the Adblock icon (a stop sign with a hand in it) on the top right corner of your browser
Click “Don’t run on pages on this site”Click “Exclude”


Click on the Ghostery icon (a ghost) on the top right of your browserClick “Trust Site”